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Off-target CRISPR effects are unintended editing events that occur at untargeted sites in the genome that are genetically similar to the targeted site.
The methods used to identify off-target sites fall into two categories:
Empirical methods (e.g., GUIDE-seq [1], CIRCLE-seq [2], Digenome-seq [3], DISCOVER-seq [4], or other empirical methods) which use wet lab experiments to identify off-target sites. In silico tools (e.g., IDT CRISPR-Cas9 guide RNA design checker) which attempt to identify off-target, double-stranded breaks that may occur in the genome. Of note, there are substantial differences between the off-target sites that are nominated using biochemical (in vitro), cell-based, or in vivo methods.
Explore IDT's rhAmpSeq CRISPR Analysis System